KVentz (kventz) wrote,

Björk. Declare Independence

В очередной раз послушал альбом Volta и невероятно насыщенную разными смыслами песню Declare Independence. Особенно впечатляет простейший клип, в котором очень точно показана модель современного медиа-общества. Понятия «дёргать за ниточки» и «пудрить мозги» здесь визуализированы почти буквально и весьма наглядно, а слово justice (справедливость) звучит издевательски, как змеиное шипение.

Declare Independence

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Start your own currency!
Make your own stamp
Protect your language

Declare independence
Don't let them do that to you
Declare independence
Don't let them do that to you

Make your own flag!
Make your own flag!
Make your own flag!
Make your own flag!

Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Damn colonists
Ignore their patronizing
Tear off their blindfolds
Open their eyes

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

With a flag and a trumpet
Go to the top of your highest mountain!

Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!
Raise your flag!

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Raise the flag!

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